Urubu noir
Urubu noir

The local people often call it turkey vulture due to the featherless neck, wrinkled and wattled, the swelling rounded to the sun to sterilize the feathers and its awkward gait © Giuseppe Mazza In Europe it is called: Black Vulture in English, Urubu noir in French, Zopilote Negro in Spanish, Urubu-de-cabeça-preta in Portuguese, Rabengeier in German, Urubu dalla testa nera or Avvoltoio nero americano in Italian and in Japan, nicely, kurokondoru. Particular is the origin of the terminologies Cathartiformes– Cathartidae given respectively to the order and to the family of this raptor, terms taken from the Greek, “kathartes” = purifier, with a clear reference to the unpleasant task given to these birds, of eating and purifying the mankind from the infesting carrions of dead animals.

urubu noir

The name of the species atratus, conversely, comes from the latin “ater” = dark dressed, black, due to the colour of the livery. The etymology of the scientific binomen gets its origins from the Greek for the genus, Coragyps, merger of the terms “corax” = crow and “gups” vulture to indicate the ambiguous characteristics of this bird. Still now, in fome areas of South America it is called cuervos = crow rightly to indicate it resemblance and behaviour. The name urubù used locally in some South-American countries to indicate this vulture, come from a term in the Tupi language meaning simply black bird.

urubu noir


Update : The incident occurred on the Ninho de Urubu training ground in the Vargem Grande district west of Rio de Janeiro.Common in the New World, is present from East and South USA to Argentina and central Chile, less the Patagonian area and the southern part of the American continent © Giuseppe Mazza To the new taxonomical classification still now not accepted by all, they have come after various evaluations that considered some characteristics typical of these birds that made them converge, due to some of their behaviours and morphological particulars, not only to the Falconiformes but also to the Ciconiiformes.Ĭentral digits very elongated and partially webbed, habits of urinating on its feet for refreshing the body during the warm days, stretching of the wings during the stops for warming up and disinfecting the plumage with the sun rays, peculiarities typical of the storks combined of course to a body and a feeding of a necrophagous raptor.Īnyway the exact taxonomy of the American vultures is still now not well defined and it is not sure that with new studies and genetic researches, they get in the future to a new and again different classification.Īlready the vulture activity deserves for these birds the very bad reputation of carrions devourer placing them in a category certainly not at the height of the other birds usually endowed of a nice livery and often of a remarkable singing capacity but this black vulture, alongwith its consimilar Turkey vulture or Turkey buzzard ( Cathartes aura) are so much graceless and trivial when on the soil and so much deprived of colour to be locally called, confusing them with each other, turkey vultures.Īctually, their neck, as we shall see, has no feathers and is wrinkled and wattled like a turkey but to this characteristics it adds also the rocked and graceless gait. Update : Der Vorfall ereignete sich auf dem Trainingsgelände Ninho de Urubu im Viertel Vargem Grande westlich von Rio de Janeiro. In 1943 she recorded Apanhei-te, Cavaquinho and Urubu Malandro, which led to a successful career as a singer. "Cinema, Aspirinas e Urubus" was shown at over 60 film festivals and received 23 international awards.īrasilien Auf der Karte anzeigen Rios berühmter Strand zieht sich in einem langen Bogen zwischen Urubu und Leme an der Küste entlang, er ist gesäumt von Wolkenkratzern.īrazil Show on map Rio's most famous beach stretches in a sumptuous arc around the bay, lined with soaring skyscrapers, housing many of the city's top hotels and restaurants.ġ943 nahm sie Apanhei-te, Cavaquinho und Urubu Malandro auf, was zu einer erfolgreichen Karriere als Sängerin führte. "Cinema, Aspirinas e Urubus" war auf über 60 Filmfestivals zu sehen und wurde weltweit mit 23 Preisen ausgezeichnet. Of course, her colleagues Jascha Hagen and Brasilian artist Urubu Marinka did their bit as well.

urubu noir

Natürlich war das auch ihren Kollegen Jascha Hagen und der Brasilianerin Urubu Marinka geschuldet.

Urubu noir